Wednesday, July 21, 2010

snapping turtle

This is what the snapping turtle looked like after his head was cut of. Pretty cool huh. After we cut his head off the legs were still moving. His head was still moving.

Me holding the turtle shell while uncle Greg skins it with my dad.

Me with uncle Greg holding the snapping turtle trying to make him bite a stick. So we can stretch his neck out so we can chop his head off.

Me chopping his head off. So cool

My bird I shot last night out of the upstairs window.


  1. Neat that you have your own blog!! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Drewby, but I'm pretty sure they don't allow the National Park Rangers to shoot and butcher the animals.
    Aunt J

  2. Just livin' off the land...!

  3. Cool Blog .....keep posting your outdoor experiences...and remember , God is the Creator of all things , and has given you the ability to embrace nature...continue to draw strength from God............keep on livin off the land Furm Boy

    Love ,

  4. There is no god, don't fall for bullshit. Sorry man. Don't blindly believe what your parents believe.

  5. I'm not a big animal rights activist but don't you think this is kind of cruel? The way you're putting it out there seems like it. I know you're a hunter of some sort but at least be a little sympathetic in your postings.
