Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is the baby possum I caught in my live trap when Grandma and Grandpa Randy were here from Ohio. It is not dead, it is 100 percent alive.

This is the raccoon before I shot and skinned it. It is looking at Finn and about to pounce. He is missing his front left paw. I think he got in a fight or was born like that.

This is when he is dead and me, Finn, and Dad are skinning him.

This is when we are done skinning him and Dad is pouring salt on him to dry out his hide. I am going to put it on my wall when it is dried out.

I set my trap today and I hope that I will catch another coon.


  1. All that deadness is not so good for my weak stomach. :) Good luck catching your next coon!!
    Love you-
    Aunt J

  2. (the other) Aunt JessJanuary 11, 2011 at 5:07 PM

    Are there any live animals within a twenty mile radius of your house? I feel like you need a disclaimer on your blog: ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THIS PROCESS.

    But don't misunderstand me- I love seeing what you and Finn are up to!

  3. Drew; this will look really good starring down at you at night after it's on your wall! You need to put glow in the dark eyes in it, like when you shine a flashlight at it up in a tree at night!! :)Will almost be good as a coon dog, huh?? Love to see your posts. Thanks for sending me emails too.I Love You!! Grandma Lucille
